June 20 of each year has been designated World Refugee Day by the United Nations. In this commemorative year and for World Refugee Day 2011, UNHCR has developed the "1 is too many" campaign concept reflecting on its goals to recognize and strengthen global protection of refugees.
Presently there are more than 100,000 Burmese border displaced persons in 9 encampments along the Thai-Myanmar border and around 800 refugees and 1,100 asylum seekers in urban areas of Thailand.
Out of this figure, more than 170 urban refugees and asylum seekers are being detained in detention center and jails in Thailand. To encourage the asylum seeker and refugee detainees and salute their spirit, a world refugee day event was organized at the Bangkok Immigration Detention Center on Monday 20 June 2011. All refugees and asylum seekers in the Immigration Detention Center participated in the event which started with song singing and ended with delicious lunch. It's a great time for refugees and asylum seekers to meet each other and celebrate this special occasion.
